At the heart of every successful weight loss journey lies a fundamental healthy relation with food and the understanding of calories. This week, we unravel the intricate relationship between calorie intake and expenditure, guiding you toward the creation of a balanced and sustainable caloric deficit. By identifying hidden sources of excess calories and mastering portion control strategies, we aim to empower you with the essential tools for making deliberate, calorie-conscious choices that align with your goals.
In April 2021, the regulations came into play in the UK requiring restaurants, cafes and takeaways in England to provide calorie information1. It is important that you have an understanding of calories and the impact on your weight loss journey.
The term "calories" is now being more commonly used, not only on menus but it is also used frequently to support individuals to understand the food they are consuming. There are many different calorie tracking solutions out there, but what exactly are calories, and why do they matter?
In simple terms, calories can be thought of as the units of energy fuelling our bodies. They are a measure of how much energy is packed into the food and drinks we consume2. You'll find this energy information neatly listed on the packaging of your favourite snacks and beverages, often labelled as "kcal”.
Understanding calories is like having a secret code to decipher how much "fuel" you're giving your body. It's a vital piece of information, especially if you're keeping an eye on your overall health and well-being. A simple way of thinking about it is as your body's way of budgeting energy. If you consume more calories than your body needs, it might store the excess, potentially leading to weight gain. On the flip side, if you consume fewer calories than your body requires, you may lose weight.
As well as above, when considering calories you could also explore:
1. Understand Portion Sizes:
There is no need to say goodbye to your favourite food. Instead become more mindful of the portion size you’re going to eat. This way you are not depriving yourself of the food or drink you love, but instead being more thoughtful in the amount you are consuming. This is a small step that can make a big difference3.
2. Become Calorie Mindful:
Learn to become a detective in spotting concealed calories in your diet. This could be in everything from your innocent-looking drinks to sugary snacks. Check labels for added sugars and fats to help you to recognise hidden extras, but don’t obsess over them.
3. Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods:
Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods (e.g. brown carbohydrates instead of white) that provide essential vitamins and minerals without excess calories that keep you feeling satiated for longer. Additionally, fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you feel full for longer periods, aiding in calorie control.
4. Prioritise Protein:
Include lean protein sources in your diet (e.g. chicken, eggs, beans and legumes). Protein helps you feel full and preserves muscle mass during weight loss.
5. Limit Processed Foods:
You can still enjoy your favourite snacks but learn to actually enjoy them by having them in moderation. Processed foods often contain hidden sugars and unhealthy fats.
6. Get Adequate Sleep:
Lack of sleep can disrupt hunger hormones, potentially leading to overeating. Get out week 9 to find out more about sleep and weight maintenance.
7. Stay Consistent:
Consistency is key. Sustainable weight loss comes from making long-term, healthy lifestyle changes that you will learn through this programme, rather than relying on short-term, restrictive diets. As we conclude our exploration into the basic understanding of calories, the importance of a balanced relationship with food becomes clear in your weight loss journey. Remember, it's not about deprivation but about making thoughtful, calorie-conscious decisions. Small steps, like mindful portions and detective-like label checking, can make a remarkable difference. Here's to your empowered, health-conscious future!
Remember, understanding calories is a way to enhance your weight loss journey but it shouldn’t become your only focus. Appreciate the food on your plate for the nutritious benefits it will provide, as well as the tastes, smells, and textures that are on your plate which were absent before.
Activity: Get to Know Your Calories3
Download our Understanding Calories worksheet to learn more about the nutritional information on food packages, and how you can use this information to enhance your weight loss journey!
While a well-rounded diet should ideally provide all the nutrients your body needs, supplements can serve as valuable complements. This week, we'll explore the world of supplements, discussing their role in supporting weight loss and overall health.
Today, we have a huge amount of readily accessible information available through the internet or Social Media. It is important to consider if this information shared with you is truthful. Unfortunately, there is a lot of unsolicited advice or unqualified individuals with a hidden agenda that can share information to highlight the “benefits” of their products. With access to this conflicting information, it can be confusing to understand the most appropriate supplement for your weight loss journey. From vitamins and minerals to herbal supplements, we'll provide insights into the most popularly searched vitamin supplements, making informed choices tailored to your individual needs.
Below, we’ve used information from the National Institute of Health to summarise the supplements which may support your weight loss journey14.
Researched-back weight loss
African mango
Reduces leptin and inhibits fat production
Thought to increase satiety and slow glucose absorption
Bitter orange
May increase metabolism and energy expenditure
Stimulates the nervous system to increase energy expenditure
No - but associated with protein
Thought to increase fat breakdown and reduce fat absorption
May reduce energy intake
Breakdown of fat
Thought to bind to dietary fat to reduce fat deposition
Thought to reduce hunger and promote fat loss
Linoleic acid
Thought to increase fat breakdown and reduce fat production
Thought to increase satiety and fullness
Green coffee bean extract
Stops fat accumulation and increases glucose metabolism
Green tea extract
Increases energy expenditure and reduces fat absorption
Guar gum
A bulking agent used in foods to increase satiety
Suppresses appetite to reduce food intake
Alters the gut microbiome to change appetite
Increases fat breakdown and energy expenditure
Raspberry ketones
Alters breakdown of fat
Vitamin D
No mechanism explained
White kidney bean
Alters carbohydrate breakdown
Increases adrenaline.
As you can see, the evidence surrounding weight loss supplements is inconclusive and requires a lot more work before we make conclusions regarding their role in weight loss. Therefore, we suggest consuming a balanced diet which includes important vitamins and nutrients from natural sources. We highlight these below and where you can find them.
Vitamin D:
Several clinical trials have explored the link between vitamin D supplementation and obesity, however no conclusive results have been drawn1. However, vitamin D is essential calcium and phosphate absorption to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.! You can gain vitamin D from foods such as oily fish, egg yolks and fortified products (e.g. cereal), however it’s recommended that adults take vitamin D supplements in the autumn and winter as the body makes vitamin D naturally from sunlight, which is less available during these seasons2.
B Vitamins:
B vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and Folate, play roles in energy metabolism. They are often included in weight loss supplements. A few studies have shown a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and obesity, however human studies are lacking3. Vitamin B12 can be gained naturally from foods such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products4, and if you are struggling with B12 deficiency symptoms you should speak to your GP. However, it is not recommended that you have B12 injections purely for weight loss.
Calcium is involved in fat metabolism. Studies suggest a link between higher calcium intake and lower body weight or less weight gain over time. This may be due to calcium reducing fat cell concentrations by impacting hormone levels or by binding to dietary fat, preventing its absorption. However, the explanation could also be that dairy products, with added components like protein, may further influence body weight through effects on appetite-regulating hormones5. Further research is needed to understand the role of calcium in weight loss.
Iron is essential for transporting oxygen in the blood. Research suggests that iron doesn’t have an impact on metabolism, however individuals with an iron deficiency may experience fatigue, which could affect their ability to exercise for weight loss6. If you are experiencing symptoms of an iron deficiency, you may want to consider adding iron-rich foods to your diet such as dark-green leafy vegetables (e.g. curly kale), iron-fortified cereals and bread (check the label), dried fruit (e.g. apricots) and pulses (e.g. beans)6. Taking iron supplements or getting iron infusions will not instantly result in weight loss, and should not be used as a weight loss tool.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Omega-3s, found in fish oil supplements, are associated with various health benefits such as improved skin, reduced depression and improved heart health7. The studies associated with omega-3 fatty acids show inconclusive results relating to weight loss, where some individuals report an increased appetite and others reduced8. So omega-3 fatty acids can support your health, but might not impact your weight.
Green Tea Extract:
Green tea extract contains antioxidants and catechins, which are believed to have metabolism-boosting properties. The active components in green tea linked to weight loss are caffeine and catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Green tea may help reduce body weight by boosting energy expenditure, enhancing fat oxidation, and decreasing fat absorption. It could also lower carbohydrate digestion and absorption9.
Fibre Supplements:
Fibre is known for promoting a feeling of fullness, however whilst fibre supplements may be used to support weight loss by reducing overall calorie intake, you would be better to get fibre naturally in your diet rather than as a supplement form. Consuming fibre as part of a healthy diet will mean you also gain a range of vitamins and minerals from whole foods. These could include wholemeal options (e.g. bread, pasta, rice), keep the skin on your vegetables, choose high fibre cereals (e.g. weetabix, bran flakes), have fresh fruit rather than juice10.
Protein Supplements:
Protein is important for muscle maintenance and can contribute to a feeling of fullness. Studies have shown that consuming high-protein foods maintains satiety for a longer period, leading to a reduced calorie intake11. Additionally, studies have shown that calorie restriction (required for weight loss) can cause muscle and fat loss which slows metabolism and may facilitate weight regain post-diet. Conversely, sufficient protein intake and strength training help prevent muscle loss and maintain a healthy metabolism11. Protein supplements, such as whey or plant-based proteins, are commonly used in weight loss efforts as they are convenient and easily accessible. However, you can gain adequate protein from your normal diet by choosing options with a higher protein content e.g. greek yoghurt, chicken or tofu, dark-leafy greens and eggs12.
The human microbiota, surpassing human cells in number, primarily reside in the colon and play vital roles in health. They influence energy extraction, expenditure, and storage. While mouse studies suggest a link between gut microbiota and energy dynamics, results in humans remain inconclusive. There's speculation that manipulating gut microbiota, possibly through probiotics found in foods like yoghurt or supplements, could prevent or treat obesity13. Probiotics vary widely, with genera like Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Bifidobacterium. However, the impact on body weight depends on factors like strain, dose, duration, and user characteristics, necessitating further research for a comprehensive understanding in humans14.
Activity: Meal Planning
Download our Enhance Your Meal Plan worksheet to ensure that your meal plan ticks all the boxes you need to optimise your weight loss journey through the food you eat!
Remember, meal planning is about how the elements of your diet contribute to your overall health. It is important to gain a range of nutrients from your diet, but don’t worry if some days are less nutritious than others. We want to create a balanced lifestyle which improves your health, and worrying about hitting your nutrient target will only create a stressful situation. If you can find foods you enjoy that make you feel good and have good nutritional content, then you’re onto a winner!
Getting sick can really throw you off your weight loss goals. Between fatigue, changes in appetite, and disruption of exercise routines, illness makes it tough to stick to a diet and exercise plan. However, with thoughtful adjustments, you can maintain momentum even when under the weather, making sure you take care of yourself whilst focusing on your goals. Let’s explore this together below:
1. Listen to Your Body:
When you're sick, your body needs rest and extra care. Don't try to push yourself to complete your usual workout if you're exhausted. The longer that you don’t let yourself rest, the more time it’ll take for you to get back to feeling well and back to feeling well enough to restart exercising1.
2. Nourish Your Body:
Make sure you are giving your body enough nourishment to recover from being ill. The old wives tale of “starve a fever, feed a cold” has been debunked, showing that providing appropriate nutrition allows your body to fight back against disease quicker2. Try to pay attention to nutrient dense foods such as whole grains, lean protein, dairy and healthy fats provide vitamins and minerals to help fight illness. For example, chicken soup packs protein, veggies and broth whilst yoghurt contains probiotics to support gut health3. Your cravings may change and that’s okay, but try not to lean back into old, comfortable habits if you can and instead engage in balanced habits that will promote your long term goals. Take it easy until your strength returns.
3. Stay Hydrated:
Dehydration can drag you down when you're sick. Sip on water, broths, or electrolyte drinks throughout the day. Getting enough fluids will give you energy and help you feel better faster4.
4. Keep Moving:
Keeping yourself active will help you feel better in the long run, but be sure you don’t push yourself too hard and burn yourself out. Take short walks around your home when possible for circulation and mental health or try simple stretches or light yoga to keep your body moving. Your body knows when it needs rest, so listen to your limits and find compassion for yourself5.
Let’s face it, being ill sucks. However, the more you fight back and don’t allow yourself to rest, the longer the illness will stick around. Sickness happens and that’s okay, it’s not your fault. Find compassion using our journal prompts below to support yourself in getting back to full health so you can continue to smash your weight loss goals.
Activity: Practice Compassion
Journalling can be a powerful tool for practising self-compassion. Download our Practicing Compassion Worksheet to master the art of self-compassion for moments when you might be a little harder on yourself.
By practising self-compassion during more quiet periods of life, this allows us to implement it more naturally when life is more chaotic. This also allows you to feel as though you are being productive when you are ill, however still taking care of yourself in order to feel better faster.
We understand that maintaining motivation can be challenging when faced with the ups and downs of weight loss, which is why we are here to support you in navigating these roadblocks to keep you on track and enhance your journey.
Here are some tips to stay inspired and on track with your weight loss goals:
1. Set Goals That Enhance Your Life:
Yes, you may have a goal weight in mind, but don’t let yourself be defined by a number. Focus on how your weight loss is enhancing your life instead. Maybe it might be feeling confident in a new outfit, or taking a new route to work that doesn’t feel so hard now you’re fitter. These goals are sustainable long term, and will help you to stay motivated.
2. Remind Yourself Why You Want to Lose Weight:
Post inspirational quotes around your home reminding you why you want to lose weight, such as "Live longer for my family." Referring to your "why" regularly re-ignites your motivation and helps you to stay on track. Make sure these reminders are compassionate and focus on your overall health.
3. Track Your Progress:
Monitoring your weight can help to drive your progress, but make sure it’s not the only metric you track. Be sure to track your exercise achievements such as your progress on how far you are able to walk or run, or your strength in the gym. Focusing on what you’re adding to your life will help you stay motivated and drive you forward!
4. Celebrate Small Wins:
Recognise each little achievement along the way with a non-food reward. Share this with those who are aware of your weight loss journey and celebrate your small steps forward, no matter how minor, to keep you motivated and aligned with your goals.
5. Find Support:
Share your weight loss journey with a partner, accountability group or coach. Challenges will naturally occur, and that’s okay. Embrace them and find ways to navigate them allowing you to feel confident in getting round future obstacles that pop up. The encouragement of others can inspire you to keep going when your motivation falters, and gives you a space to share your roadblocks, obstacles and worries. Don’t forget, we also have our SheMed Healthcare team who can support you to overcome these challenges.
6. Forgive Yourself for Slip-Ups:
If we are being realistic, slip-ups will happen to all of us at some time or another and that's absolutely okay. Try not to catastrophize over the occasional indulgences or off days. Life happens, and it’s important that your weight management journey involves a balanced lifestyle, including a range of foods and social occasions. Instead of giving up and going back to old habits, refocus and remind yourself of your “reasons why” to get yourself back on track in a compassionate yet productive manner.
7. Add Variety to Your Routine:
Beat boredom by constantly discovering new healthy recipes, workout classes and active hobbies to boost your motivation and interest. Use this opportunity to find out new aspects of yourself and the things you enjoy. Your previous lifestyle may have held you back from trying new things, so this is the time to fully embrace new activities to find the things you love and keep you motivated.
With determination and these motivation-boosting tips, you can absolutely reach your weight loss goals. Stay persistent and know that small steps make big progress over time. You’ve got this!
Activity: Roadblock Reflection
In order to stay motivated even when things become tedious and difficult, download our Roadblock Reflection Worksheet to understand the obstacles you have come across so far and how you can navigate these in the future if they reoccur.
The pace of modern life often leaves us eating on the go, or eating on auto-pilot without thinking about what we’re doing. We don’t often sit down and focus on the meal in the moment, which can impact how we respond to our hunger cues. Mindful eating goes beyond calorie counting, and instead emphasises savouring each bite, tuning into hunger cues, and fostering a deeper mind-body connection by engaging all of your senses and being present during meal times. This process allows us to break free from emotional eating, cultivate healthier habits, and foster a positive relationship with food1. Let's shift the focus from mere weight loss to a holistic approach that nourishes both body and mind.
Mindful eating supports weight loss by promoting a conscious and intentional approach to eating, fostering a connection between mind and body2. When we take a mindful approach to eating, we focus more on our hunger and fullness cues which prevents overeating. By paying attention to the sensory experience of eating, we are less likely to consume food impulsively or in response to emotional triggers1. Additionally, having a heightened awareness of eating through being a mindful eater can lead to a greater appreciation for the nutritional value of food, encouraging healthier and more balanced food choices.
Activity: Practicing Mindful Eating
Download our Practicing Mindful Eating Worksheet to incorporate mindful eating into your life 1, 3. Mindful eating helps us to slow down and enjoy our food by paying more attention to the smell, texture, taste and appearance. It also supports digestion, allowing us to feel fuller from smaller portions to support our weight loss journey.
At the beginning, mindful eating may feel silly or too much hassle. Take your time and be compassionate. Just like other mindfulness practices, the focus should be on bringing yourself back to the present moment when you get distracted. Mindful eating will support your weight loss journey by helping you tune into your senses. Our appetite and satiety changes daily, so it’s important to remain flexible and recognise your body will have different requirements each day.
Understanding the profound impact of stress on your body is key to achieving holistic health. When we're stressed or anxious, our bodies release two hormones called cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones provide an evolutionary advantage, allowing us to react to challenging situations by increasing alertness and quickening our heartbeat1. However, prolonged exposure to stress can lead to a range of physical and mental symptoms, affecting your overall health. Together, let’s explore these symptoms below to understand how they can impact our weight loss journey:
The Hormonal Impact of Stress
When stress becomes a constant companion, your body increases the release of cortisol and adrenaline regularly, potentially impacting your overall well-being and weight loss journey2. These hormones, while essential in short bursts for navigating challenging situations, can contribute to symptoms such as problems sleeping, persistent fatigue, headaches, chest pains, indigestion, and heartburn. It also increases your appetite, slowing your metabolism and increasing insulin resistance leading to more stored body fat to cope with stressful situations3.
This may affect your weight-loss journey in the following ways:
1. Reduced Sleep:
Research has shown that poor sleep quality can dysregulate the appetite control system which can alter our metabolic rate, with a negative impact on weight maintenance or weight loss interventions. There has also been research to show that inadequate sleep links to elevated energy intake, driven by increased saturated fat consumption, leading to weight gain and higher BMI. It correlates with poor eating habits, including more meals, snacks, night-time eating, and a preference for high-energy, low-nutrient foods like fast food, sugar, and fats4.
2. Persistent Fatigue:
Fatigue can affect our decision-making, meaning that when we are tired we may not make decisions which are aligned with our weight-loss goals. Additionally, if we are tired, we may not have the motivation to exercise or make meals for ourselves that align with our weight loss journey, but instead turn to sedentary behaviours and comforting, easy food which has higher calories that the food we are aiming to consume. Additionally, it is important to ensure we are consuming a balanced diet which meets all of our nutrition needs and is not causing a restrictive diet in key micronutrients such as iron and vitamin B125.
As well as understanding the physical and mental symptoms of hormones on weight loss, let’s explore the role of particular hormones and how they regulate our weight.
Together, let’s explore the role of each hormone involved in appetite regulation and how this can affect our weight.
1. Leptin:
Often referred to as the "satiety hormone," leptin is produced by fat cells and signals to the brain that we are full. Higher levels of leptin are generally associated with reduced appetite. One of the primary challenges in weight loss is leptin resistance. High levels of body fat can reduce responsiveness to the satiety signals of leptin, causing increased hunger and overeating6.
2. Ghrelin:
Known as the "hunger hormone," ghrelin is produced in the stomach and stimulates appetite. It increases before meals and decreases after eating, making it a key player in weight loss efforts6.
3. Insulin:
Produced by the pancreas, insulin plays a central role in regulating blood sugar levels and influencing fat storage in the body. Insulin resistance is often associated with obesity therefore improving insulin sensitivity through dietary modifications and exercise can be key to weight loss success.
4. Cortisol:
Commonly referred to as our stress hormone, cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands. Too much cortisol may lead to an increase in fat storage, especially around the abdominal area, when levels are chronically elevated. Chronic stress causes elevated cortisol levels, promoting fat storage particularly around the abdominal area. Stress management techniques like meditation and exercise can help mitigate this effect as explained below3.
5. Thyroid Hormones:
Specifically named T3 and T4, our thyroid hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can slow down metabolism and make weight loss more challenging. If you suspect thyroid issues are hindering your weight loss, consult with a healthcare.
Weight loss is a multifaceted journey, and understanding the role of hormones is just one piece of the puzzle. It's important to remember that individual responses to hormonal changes can vary greatly, but understanding this connection allows us to make informed decisions and embark on a sustainable path to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Physical Impact of Stress:
Stress can manifest in various ways, and your body might respond with various symptoms. These symptoms, as listed below, may impact our motivation and ability to focus on our weight management journey and lead to unhealthy behaviours, such as avoiding exercise.
Furthermore, stress can cause changes to your appetite. This may mean that you use food as a coping mechanism for stress, leading to overconsumption of food and a negative impact on your weight management journey. Moreover, it may lead to a lack of appetite that later leads to bingeing on food when your hunger returns. Regular, balanced eating is vital for your weight loss journey and a healthy lifestyle.
Mental Impact of Stress
No matter how or when stress hits, it’s a horrible feeling. It can lead to feelings of irritability, anxiety, depression, and difficulties with concentration impacting your overall mental health. Being able to recognise these mental symptoms is key to creating a holistic approach to managing stress8.
Often these symptoms are associated with stress will have an impact on our lifestyle, which may cause us to make unhealthy choices with our diet, exercise, and other habits.
Many people find that In times of stress, they resort to habits like binge eating9, consuming increased amounts of alcohol, skipping meals, staying up late, and avoiding exercise. These lifestyle choices can, in turn, exacerbate both the mental and physical consequences of stress, and affect our weight management journey by causing chaos and uncertainty.
1. Strategies to Manage Stress:
As part of your weight management journey and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is important that you’re equipped with strategies to address both the physical and mental aspects of stress to support your overall wellbeing. There are various strategies available to you to effectively manage stress, and we’ve picked a few to share with you:
2. Mindfulness and Meditation:
Centre your thoughts and promote a sense of calm. It may seem hard at first, but meditation allows you to bring yourself back to the present moment in times of stress, which is essential to prevent stress escalation.
Try apps like “Calm” by starting with a 60 second meditation, building on this when you feel ready.
Remember, the key is bringing yourself back to the present moment. No matter how much your mind wanders, bring yourself back and notice your ability to focus on now will increase overtime10.
3. Deep Breathing Exercises:
Practise deep breathing exercises to activate your body's relaxation response. Focus on slow, deep breaths to calm your nervous system and reduce stress levels11. Deep breathing gives us focus, taking us away from the present stress and letting us focus on our breathing which helps to ground us.
Why not try box breathing? This method asks you to breathe in for 4 seconds, to hold for 4 seconds, to breathe out for 4 seconds, and hold for a final 4 seconds.
4. Physical Activity:
Physical activity may seem out of reach at the start of your weight management journey. We often see physical activity as something extremely intense, however finding something you enjoy and makes you feel good is essential!
By incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, you will not only enhance your weight management journey, but you will enhance your overall wellbeing too!. Exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also acts as a natural stress reliever, releasing endorphins that improve mood. For more information revisit week 3 when we shared healthy exercise ideas.
5. Set Boundaries:
If you are finding a situation stressful, or it isn’t something that aligns with your goals, know that it is okay to say “no”!
Learning to say no when necessary and setting clear boundaries to prevent overcommitting is not only helpful to reduce stress, but it will help you to realise your self-worth. By prioritising self-care and allocating time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, your stress levels will reduce and you will give yourself time to focus on what’s important for you.
With that in mind, make sure that you are enjoying yourself. Whilst your weight management journey is important, make sure to stay connected to those that you love and find healthy and sustainable ways to remain integrated in your day to day life.
6. Social Interactions:
In order to stay connected to your friends and family, talk to friends, family, or join a group to discuss your goals with your weight management journey. Social connections can provide emotional support and these valuable perspectives can help you to cope with stress, especially if you are feeling low or demotivated around your journey.
Activity: Journalling
Download our Stress Management worksheet to offload your concerns and put actions into place to navigate and manage your stress.
Remember, stress management is a personal journey, and different strategies work for different individuals. It’s a good idea to experiment with various techniques to discover what best suits your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Building a repertoire of stress management tools can empower you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and balance.
* If you are experiencing chest pain or high blood pressure or you’re concerned about them or feel you have more severe stress then you should consult with one of our clinical team.